Page 194 - Artecta Product Catalogue
P. 194

IP Ratings

          IP Ratings (Ingress Protection)
          IP54 =  IP Letter Code ----- IP
                  1st Digit -------------- 5
                  2nd Digit --------------- 4
           1st     Protection from   2nd     Protection from
          Digit     solid objects  Digit      moisture
           0        Non protected  0         Non protected

                       Protected against
           1              solid objects   1       Protected against
                          greater than              dripping water

                       Protected against          Protected against
           2              solid objects  2      dripping water when
                          greater than
                             12mm                  tilted up to 15°

                       Protected against
           3              solid objects  3        Protected against
                          greater than              spraying water

                       Protected against
                          solid objects           Protected against
           4              greater than  4          splashing water

                                                  Protected against
           5             Dust protected  5
                                                      water jets

           6                Dust tight  6         Protected against
                                                     heavy seas

                                   7              Protected against
          Note: EN 60529 does not specify sealing   the effects of
          effectiveness against the following:        immersion
          mechanical damage of the equipment;
          the risk of explosions; certain types of
          moisture conditions, e.g. those that are   8
          produced by condensation; corrosive     Protected against
          vapours; fungus; vermin                    submersion

    192   IP Ratings
   189   190   191   192   193   194   195   196