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Pro System Modular 230V

             Pro System

             Modular 230V

             Make your own light design:
             choose your light components and

             combine them any way you like

             Whether you need to decorate a house, restaurant or department
             store – a window display, facade, column or tree – a balcony or a
             fence: the countless possiblities that Pro System 230V has to offer
             will absolutely do the trick and deliver that wow-effect you are
             looking for. So let your creativity flow freely and get started with
             your own light design!

             Every object is unique and asks for a different approach when it
             comes to lighting it.  So it is only logical that for maximum results,
             lighting products need to be customized in shape, size and color.
             And Tronix Pro System Modular 230V is your answer! A unique sys-
             tem that is different from conventional products in the sense that it
             offers no real ‘finished’ product. You make your own final product
             by composing individual components, giving you the flexibility you
             need to get maximum results and put your object literally in the

             With Tronix Pro System Modular you choose for an efficient and ver-
             satile approach with great benefits. With the countless possibilities
             and product combinations of this system you can capture effects
             where you need them and enjoy the smashing results.

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